PCI Consulting Australia is highly experienced to assess and advise your business through your compliance journey.
We are a highly experienced firm assisting businesses achieve PCI compliance since 2014. We have an outstanding reputation and client retention record due to our values below and commitment to security, compliance and customer satisfaction. We are the leading experts in the PCI DSS space in the Australasian market.
We maintain a team of assessors dedicating to PCI DSS assessment and advisory services. This includes Level 1 full assessments, assisted self-assessments, gap assessments, design reviews, or general advisory services.
Our testing team is separate from the PCI DSS team to remain independent. Whilst we complete many PCI DSS penetration tests due to the nature of our business, we also perform many general security tests aligned to industry standards such as OWASP or OSINT.
Whilst PCI DSS and penetration testing projects are our two core services, we can also offer general information security consulting, ISO 27001 consulting, and ad hoc advice where required.
Provided by our testing team in partnership with Source Defense, we offer a solution to PCI Requirements 6.4.3 and 11.6.1 that is simple to implement and maintain. Two options are available, one being ‘set and forget’ and our recommended option.